by Penny Sansevieri | May 14, 2024 | Bestseller Essentials
Reading Time: 7 minutesFor most authors, book marketing on Amazon is a moving target. You think you have it set and then you realize, you really don’t. Or maybe you aren’t sure if what you’re doing is right. I mean it feels right, but you still...
by Penny Sansevieri | Jun 15, 2021 | Amazon Updates & Marketing Tips, Author Branding
Reading Time: 3 minutesWe often to complicate the heck out of things, don’t we? But the thing is, the best book marketing doesn’t have to be complicated – stop overthinking how to sell books on Amazon. The Best Book Marketing is Free: Amazon Author Central Did you...
by Penny Sansevieri | Feb 9, 2021 | Amazon Updates & Marketing Tips, Book Marketing Basics
Reading Time: 8 minutesOne of the keys to a successful book marketing campaign (and one of the secrets of how to market a book) is PLANNING. And it doesn’t take a lot of effort, just a bit of time and looking ahead strategically. You poured a lot of effort into...
by Penny Sansevieri | Nov 17, 2020 | Amazon Updates & Marketing Tips, Book Marketing Basics
Reading Time: 4 minutesThis one is for all of you wondering how to market a Kindle book. Let’s begin at the beginning: in order to market smart, you first have to publish smart! Publishing options can be confusing, especially given all of the choices Amazon offers...
by Penny Sansevieri | Jun 17, 2020 | Amazon Updates & Marketing Tips
Reading Time: 5 minutesOne underutilized way to promote a self published book is by utilizing Amazon’s pre-order. Amazon allows pre-orders for KDP authors (Kindle Direct Publishing), which essentially levels the playing field even more between traditionally...