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How Your Amazon Author Bio Can Help You Sell Books

by | Aug 31, 2023 | Podcast for Authors

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

This is a revival from the archives because it’s really THAT important!

How’s your bio on Amazon? When was the last time you checked it and gave it an update?

An author bio is a concise and compelling summary of an author’s background, expertise, and accomplishments.

It not only conveys your qualifications and achievements but also creates a personal connection with your audience. With a well-crafted bio, you can build trust, establish credibility, and stand out in the competitive world of publishing by dramatically influencing shoppers and even thought leaders and media.

Your Amazon author bio becomes even more critical if you’re not on social media, and especially if you don’t have your author website set up properly and optimized yet.

Penny and Amy break down the often ignored author bio, with tips for how to use it to improve your sales conversions!

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Resources and Free Downloads

Download our free monthly book marketing planner.

How to become an Amazon marketing ninja.

How to make the most out of a discounted Kindle book.

How to build an audience on BookBub.

How to promote your novel to the right people.

How to promote your book on Instagram.

How to secure more interviews to promote your work.

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