by Penny Sansevieri | Jun 17, 2021 | Author Branding, Book Marketing Basics, Social Media for Authors
Reading Time: 3 minutesEstablishing an author brand is a full-time job. It can take years to find the right niche, the right color scheme, the right voice for how to market your book — or it can take five minutes. Our Book Marketing Tips and Author Success...
by Penny Sansevieri | Apr 29, 2021 | Author Branding, Book Marketing Basics, Social Media for Authors
Reading Time: 2 minutesBuilding up your author platform can take time. But if you are intentional about how you factor it into your book marketing plan, it can be quite effective. Social media is huge right now and, when done properly, it can be a great asset for...
by Penny Sansevieri | Feb 23, 2021 | Social Media for Authors
Reading Time: 7 minutesHello and welcome to our list of March observances and unique author branding and content ideas for your monthly author marketing plan. Without a regular connection to readers, you’re just another book on the shelf. Take the time to make...
by Penny Sansevieri | May 20, 2020 | Book Marketing Basics, Social Media for Authors
Reading Time: 5 minutesWith the growth of other visual social media sites like Instagram, it seems like the buzz for Pinterest as a way to market your book has really died down, but nothing could be further from the truth. Pinterest continues to grow. In 2019...
by Penny Sansevieri | Apr 14, 2020 | Getting More Book Reviews, Podcast for Authors
Reading Time: 4 minutesPersonal connections matter! When I was re-releasing my How to Sell Books by the Truckload on Amazon I relied heavily on my personal connections with readers. These readers really helped to catapult the book up the bestseller list (and it’s...