by Penny Sansevieri | Jun 16, 2020 | Book Marketing Basics
Reading Time: 6 minutesWhen it comes to learning how to market a book, a lot has changed recently in terms of author events and book signings. We’re all having to get used to virtual events, camera lenses, and planning around kids and spouses being home. If you’re...
by Penny Sansevieri | Apr 15, 2020 | Book Marketing Basics, Getting More Media Coverage
Reading Time: 4 minutesLocal marketing is, for many authors, a last consideration when it comes to figuring out how to sell self-published books. We all think of marketing to the masses, right? Going national, even international. And while all of that is great, and...
by Penny Sansevieri | Feb 25, 2020 | Book Marketing Basics
Reading Time: 4 minutesNational Library Week is coming up in April so in honor of these fabulously institutions I want to discuss how to promote your self-published book to libraries in your area. For those of you who are still skeptical about spending your book...
by Penny Sansevieri | Jun 25, 2019 | Book Marketing Basics
Reading Time: 6 minutesIf you’ve been looking for creative book promotion ideas for booking more (or first) events, take heart. It’s not uncommon to strike out at trying to set up events, but what if I told you I’ve set up successful book signings almost...
by Penny Sansevieri | May 7, 2019 | Book Marketing Basics, Getting More Media Coverage
Reading Time: 4 minutesBook marketing to national media has becomes increasingly competitive so I want to give you some pointers on how to pitch a story to local media, the story of course being the fact that you’re a local author with a new release. Is it...