by Penny Sansevieri | Aug 24, 2021 | Amazon Updates & Marketing Tips, Book Marketing Basics
Reading Time: 4 minutesIt’s no secret that I love Amazon ads, but when it comes to book promotion on Amazon, there’s nothing better than seasonal promotion–and seasonal ads. When marketing professionals talk about seasonal promotion, our minds immediately go to...
by Penny Sansevieri | Aug 10, 2021 | Amazon Updates & Marketing Tips
Reading Time: 5 minutesI think of all of the book launch strategies we’ve ever done, the pre-order is one of the most misunderstood. When it comes to how to sell books on Amazon – you can’t beat a short, but well-planned out pre-order. I talk to a lot of authors who...
by Penny Sansevieri | Aug 4, 2021 | Amazon Updates & Marketing Tips, Bestseller Essentials
Reading Time: 4 minutesIt’s a really exciting time for authors who really want to push their books to the next level with Amazon book marketing because they just announced the arrival of A+ Content for KDP authors. What is A+ Content? A Definition and Examples....
by Penny Sansevieri | Feb 25, 2021 | Amazon Updates & Marketing Tips, Getting More Book Reviews
Reading Time: 3 minutesHow to Work More Reviews into Your Book Marketing Plan is a recap of “Getting Reviews is More Complex Than You Think – Plan Accordingly,” a recent episode on our Book Marketing Tips & Author Success podcast. We delve deeper into our...
by Penny Sansevieri | Mar 19, 2019 | Amazon Updates & Marketing Tips
Reading Time: 5 minutesYour book description is your third most important Amazon book marketing feature after your cover and your title. And there’s really no room for error because marketing your book on Amazon means doing things better than the competition. So while...