by Penny Sansevieri | May 1, 2018 | Book Marketing Basics
Reading Time: 4 minutesWelcome to our list of May observances and content ideas for your monthly author marketing plan! If you haven’t downloaded our Monthly Book Marketing Planner yet you can grab that here! Remember, without regular connections to readers, you’re...
by Penny Sansevieri | Apr 11, 2018 | Social Media for Authors
Reading Time: 4 minutesPrep your time and space. Creating video content is actually the fun part, trust me. The real work comes with the preparation. Decide where you’re going to do your video, make sure the lighting is good, make sure the space is clean and...
by Penny Sansevieri | Mar 28, 2018 | Book Marketing Basics
Reading Time: 5 minutesWelcome to our list of April observances and content ideas for your monthly book marketing plan! If you haven’t downloaded our Monthly Book Marketing Planner yet you can grab that here! Remember, without regular connections to readers, you’re...
by Penny Sansevieri | Mar 19, 2018 | Book Marketing Basics, Social Media for Authors
Reading Time: 12 minutesIt’s always tricky to find great content to post to Facebook, and with their new algorithm change, it’s now even harder. But it doesn’t have to be. Facebook’s changes are all based on follower engagement and not being too salesy. One of the...
by Penny Sansevieri | Feb 28, 2018 | Book Marketing Basics
Reading Time: 4 minutesWelcome to our list of March observances and content ideas for your monthly book marketing plan! If you haven’t downloaded our Monthly Book Marketing Planner yet, I know you’ll find it helps your author marketing! Remember, without regular...