Cracking the Code: Reaching the Unreachable Target Reader

by | May 23, 2024 | Podcast for Authors

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In this week’s episode, we chat about connecting with the elusive target reader who seems to dwell beyond the realms of mainstream social media platforms.

Even though the digital age is dominating how a lot of us consume content, not every reader can be found scrolling through Instagram reels or TikTok videos. So how do they find the books they buy, and how can authors tap into a market demographic that tends to read prolifically and has disposable income?

From unconventional platforms to grassroots efforts, we uncover where your target readers congregate away from the glare of social media.

Whether you’re an aspiring author seeking to establish your readership or a seasoned vet navigating the ever-shifting currents of the publishing world, this episode is your guide to unlocking the untapped potential of the hard-to-reach target reader.

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Book marketing strategies for older titles.

How to sell your book at the correct price.

The ultimate guide to building your author brand online.

Why your author brand matters so much.

Here’s why your Amazon ads stopped working.

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