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Get More From Your Book Promotions and Marketing Efforts

by | Jan 19, 2023 | Podcast for Authors

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Coming up with clever book promotions and marketing ideas feels like a full time job on most days.

And I appreciate that so many authors are getting savvy to the fact that that’s the reality, and I’ve been consulting with a lot of you this year already on how to make the most of your efforts.

Yes, I encourage you to download our monthly book marketing planner, and I preach constantly about consistency, but I think there are still a lot of missed opportunities because it’s easy to forget to maximize every single effort – to turn one good thing into three or even 5 good things.

So Amy and I kicked off our podcast this year with an episode on making the most of every single win.

We want you to get more out of your book promotions and marketing efforts, especially if that means you’ll have more time to write!

So please check out this episode, we think it’s a fantastic way to kick off 2023 and promote the “work smarter not harder” vibe!

Hopefully you’re intrigued enough to listen to the whole episode, and we look forward to your feedback on the show!

Full-length episodes from our book promotion podcast go live every other Thursday. You can stream episodes from our website, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Plus, you’ll want to follow us on your preferred podcast platform in order to catch our helpful (and often comical) minisodes that go live every other Friday.

The minisodes are a grab bag of topics to include industry rants, publishing predictions and breaking news, basic (yet critical) business advice for authors, and more!

Do you have suggestions for future episodes?

We would love to hear from you in the comments section!

Resources and Free Downloads

Download our free monthly book marketing planner.

Check out all the episodes of our book promotion podcast anywhere you listen to podcasts!

Check out the media section on our blog.

Be sure to sign up for our newsletter on the right hand side of our blog homepage. If you haven’t opened a recent one your registration may have lapsed.

Definitely follow us on Instagram for book marketing tips and some much needed levity!

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