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Perfecting Pre-Orders on Amazon for Maximum Impact

by | Nov 3, 2022 | Amazon Updates & Marketing Tips, Podcast for Authors

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Pre-orders on Amazon can be really lucrative, but they can also work against you if you’re not prepared.

And it’s definitely not a book marketing strategy you should just jump into and figure out as you go!

We actually did an episode on our book marketing podcast recently that covered the potential problems with long pre-orders, and we encourage you to listen to it here before starting our quiz.

And don’t worry if you’re short on time, it’s only a 6-minute listen!

What to learn about pre-orders on Amazon

After listening to the show and taking the quiz below you can expect to learn more about the proper timing for pre-orders. Because not all timelines are created equal and you really have to plan.

You can also expect to learn how Amazon ads play a role and best practices for using them.

You will also get a heads up on how social media, your mailing list, and even your personal network of family and friends can make or break both pre-orders on Amazon and release efforts!

[tqb_quiz id=’30472′]


So do you feel confident running pre-orders on Amazon now?

Did you ace the quiz? Or did some answers surprise you?

I hope both the episode AND the quiz were insightful, whether you’re a first time author with a debut coming up, or a more seasoned author that feels like you just haven’t reaped all the benefits from a successful pre-order campaign.

And if you landed in the middle – we have you covered as well.

I do a lot of coaching with authors who simply (yet smartly) want to know they’re on the right track and are looking for some feedback on details they may have overlooked.

We also run campaigns dedicated entirely to pre-orders on Amazon to ensure clients really kick off the life of their book with a strong start.

If you’ve run pre-order campaigns I’d love to hear what you’ve learned in the comments.

Every author journey is unique and there’s no single blueprint for success, but we can still learn a lot from discussing successes and failures, so let’s keep the conversation going!

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