Wait! Are You Ready to Start Promoting on Amazon

by | Nov 4, 2021 | Amazon Updates & Marketing Tips

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Wait! Are You Ready to Start Promoting on Amazon, is a recap of “5 Reasons Not to Put Your Book on Amazon Until You’re Ready to Promote It,” a recent episode on our Book Marketing Tips & Author Success podcast.

We give more details on common mistakes authors make when putting their book on Amazon without any forethought for promoting. Make sure to download and listen to the full episode so you don’t miss anything!

We get a lot of authors coming to us because they published their book and then did nothing with it. They assume hiring us can make up for all that lost time. And while we can definitely help you catch up in some areas, there are things even beyond our control.

The Amazon system will start to think buyers don’t care

Amazon is a complex machine, it learns your book, the longer it sits without engagement the less relevant it will assume your product is.

A book aging without reviews gives potential buyers pause

When authors reach out to us with an older title that has very few (or sometimes even zero) reviews, I ask them what they’ve been doing to promote the book, and that’s how I typically uncover very little has been done. Readers like what other people like, so letting a book age, without a reasonable number of reviews getting added with the passage of time, tells potential buyers people just aren’t interested.

You’re probably not refining your description and subtitle

If you’re not focused on promoting, you’re not focused on putting the best product possible out there, and your description and subtitle are a huge part of that.

You’re probably not researching keywords and categories

This carries on the importance of refining your product and putting the best possible version of your book out there. Keywords are important for pulling in the right people, and effective keywords ensure you’re showing up in more searches with those people. Categories are also super important, because strategic categories can help you on your bestselling path, and I always argue that each sale has that much more impact when you’re in lucrative categories.

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  1. Article: Wait! Are You Ready to Start Promoting on Amazon: Book Marketing Podcast Recap #motownwriters | Motown Writers Network . . . Michigan Literary Network - […] by Penny Sansevieri | Nov 4, 2021 | Amazon Updates & Marketing Tips | 0 comments […]

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