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Your Book Marketing Plan: When to Release for Optimal Success

by | Apr 22, 2021 | Bestseller Essentials, Book Marketing Basics

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Regardless of how many books you’ve published, you know that your book marketing plan matters, and knowing when to release a book is often tricky. You want the best for your book, and release dates matter. It’s also always fun to do a calendar tie-in, like Mother’s Day or June for school graduations.

Your Book Marketing Plan: let’s dig in!

By no means is this list entirely complete. These are major events, but I didn’t include things like “national friendship month” or “peanut butter and jelly day”. By no means are these are less important, and we do a monthly roundup of upcoming specialty dates, but smaller dates don’t need as much planning as, let’s say, if you were going to release a title in time for Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas.

The other piece of your book marketing plan is your book launch timing. So, you may know when you want the book out – let’s say it’s February 14th in time for Valentine’s Day. But should the 14th be your actual publication date or should you launch a bit earlier?

I always like to take a cue from stores like Target, Wal-Mart, and grocery stores who begin to display Valentine’s goodies pretty early in January. They start sooner because they want to capture the early shoppers. By the time Valentine’s Day hits, the surge of all things love-themed may be over. So, think of holidays as targets that allow you to plan ahead. So, by the time Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc. hits, the surge is pretty much over.

But plotting out dates this way and having a targeted strategy is a great way to set the stage for your release. Meaning once you have your date, you can line up everything else ahead of it. For example:
Pitching bloggers for review
Warming up your email list
Planning events (virtual or in-person)
Getting your street team ready to review
…you get the idea!

When it comes to a successful book marketing plan, your book launch plan is essential.


Resources and Free Downloads

Book Marketing Kickstart Package

FREE Monthly Book Marketing Planner

Book Marketing: The Number One Tip for Staying Motivated

How to Launch a Self Published Book: Timing Is Key!

Check out the Alliance of Independent Authors for news and resources





  1. Avoid This Big Mistake When Launching a Book - ESD Cloud Media-Staging - […] Your Book Marketing Plan: When to Release for Optimal Success! (Infographic) […]
  2. Your Book Marketing Plan: When to Release for Optimal Success! (Infographic) - Ecom Don - […] This content was originally published here. […]

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