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How to Get Your Book Noticed on Amazon: Your Relevancy Score

by | Dec 17, 2020 | Amazon Updates & Marketing Tips, Podcast for Authors

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How to Get Your Book Noticed on Amazon is a recap of “Unpacking Amazon’s Secret Relevancy Score: Why It Matters to Your Book Sales,” a recent episode on our Book Marketing Tips & Author Success podcast.

We go deep in our discussion about this timely topic for authors trying to figure out how to get your book noticed on Amazon, so be sure to download and listen to the show for all the details, recommendations, and considerations!

It’s ALL Relevant

You may have heard the term relevancy score in connection to Google or Facebook. In its most basic terms, relevancy score refers to how relevant your target market finds your ads – in other words, how likely a consumer is to click on an ad to find out more.

Amazon has not officially confirmed that they use relevancy scores, but it makes sense because we know that in the Amazon ecosystem, everything matters.

Amazon’s overall goal is to sell more stuff, so if your book ads aren’t converting, it impacts your relevancy score – the same way Google ads are shown less to consumers if folks aren’t interacting with them.

In the Amazon universe, however, you need to think beyond the ads you may be running to all of the content related to you as an author.

How to Get Your Book Noticed on Amazon

How to Get Your Book Noticed on Amazon: Your Relevancy Score

All of your books are part of this scoring system. If you have an older book that’s got a bad cover or a low review average, this will impact your overall score and how often your books are shown. Even small details can matter: typos on a page, book descriptions that aren’t spaced correctly.

If your material isn’t your professional best, it will have a negative impact on your relevancy score. A bad book page is how NOT to get your book noticed on Amazon.

Some other really obvious things that are certainly going to impact your relevancy score include not claiming Author Central, not claiming all of your books, having some books published under different variations of your name, and/or product pages that aren’t converting.

One of the best ways to get your book noticed on Amazon is to take yourself seriously as an author. Invest the time and effort to make sure everything you put on the site (or that someone uploads on your behalf) is letter-perfect and compelling.

For more tips and information on publishing, marketing, and promoting your book to keep it relevant, don’t forget to give the full episode (“Unpacking Amazon’s Secret Relevancy Score: Why It Matters to Your Book Sales”) a listen.

The end of the year is a great time to include a review of your Amazon presence in your book marketing and promotion plan. If you need some help, we’d love to help you make 2021 your best book marketing and promotion year yet!

Resources and Free Downloads

Book Marketing Tips and Author Success podcast

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8 Things to Get Your Book Noticed on Amazon



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