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Quick Book Marketing Quiz: Discover Why Your Book Isn’t Selling

by | Aug 27, 2020 | Author Branding, Bestseller Essentials

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

I get so many authors coming to me totally perplexed as to why their book isn’t selling and why their book marketing isn’t working, and I completely understand why, because in today’s market there’s really a lot you have to be doing, consistently, to ensure you’re always getting in front of new potential buyers and catering to current readers.

It is a lot and you are not alone!

So I created this quiz as a way to test whether or not you’re hitting a lot of the book marketing strategies and platform enhancements I know are key to to an author’s success.

It’s only 12 questions, asking for simple yes or no answers, with a lot of useful tips, straightforward explanations and even easy fixes to the most common pitfalls authors face when it comes to converting shoppers into buyers, and readers, and long-term fans.

You owe it to yourself to dig deep and really make things work, you put a lot of time and effort into creating your book – now do everything you can to get it in more hands!

And when you’re done, no matter what your results are, don’t hesitate to reach out and discover how I can help you get to that next level – professional book promotion help sounds like a big commitment because it is – to supporting all the effort you’ve put in to date and establishing (or solidifying) the groundwork needed to reach your goals.

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1 Comment

  1. PJ Lightning

    Author central has no editable or customisable fields. All you can do is add your books to the list, but what’s the point? No readers are ever going to click to see that website.


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