So you want to take a vacation. Great! But you don’t want to stop your book’s progress while you hit the beach, take in the sun and sand (or mimosas and waffles). What’s an indie author to do?
Relax! We’ve got you covered with our summer book marketing guide! There are lots of promotions you can set up in advance of your travels to make sure your book marketing continues without a hitch. Even while you’re off enjoying the sights and sounds of your vacation.
How to take a vacation AND market your book
We even developed this handy infographic that you can use as a guide to success. You’ll want to bookmark this page, and download the infographic, for easy reference. You don’t want to forget these great ideas you can revisit time and again. But especially not when you plan to step away from your desk.
If the Amazon overhaul seems a bit overwhelming keep in mind that we have a fantastic, affordable, Amazon Optimization program to start you on the right track. We can help you find more buyers, sell more books, and improve your ranking. Find out more at
And remember, whether it’s a Goodreads giveaway, Facebook posts or other Social Media content, we have lots of great ideas and advice on our blog.
Add your go-to summer marketing strategies in the comments, I’d love to hear what works for you!
I’ve been giving away a TON of free books via promotions – like 10,000+ copies a week. It’s easy to do since I have several series and a backlist of 40+ titles. Sales have gone up with the more books I give away for free, go figure! Going to do it the rest of the summer, I have also added nearly 1,000 new leads to my email list as well. I look forward to reading your Amazon guide for some tips…
That’s fantastic! Thanks for reading!