The biggest hurdle we help indie authors tackle: how to be a success, especially in terms of selling more books on Amazon.
And although successful authors take a variety of paths to achieve their goals, there are several basics to keep in mind that will propel you on your way!
The business of publishing is not a “set it and forget it” industry. You’ll want to try new things and stay on top of what’s working, but also what’s timely. Are your tactics current? Are there any newsworthy angles that you can focus on? How about keywords — are they reflecting what buyers are using right now to purchase books? Is your book cover strong enough to compete against today’s bestsellers? The basics are crucial – don’t get overconfident – instead be diligent.
I always tell authors to give themselves a check up seasonally to make sure their marketing is both current and timely. In fact, this is key to success on Amazon. And if you’re not sure where to get started, we’re here to help! Below is our just-released Summer 2017 Amazon Quick Start Guide that you can refer back to as often as you need. In fact, you should bookmark this page so you can use it for quick and easy reference.
Here are the basics for getting started on Amazon AND giving your book an overhaul!
We hope this Amazon Quick Start Guide has inspired you! Still have questions? Our blog has a lot of additional tips on all of these topics – just do a simple search!
If you find yourself asking: How Can I Sell More Books?
Then not only are you not alone, but I can help! To learn more about how you can find out what’s stopping you, visit!
There are different types of a platform when selling online. One must know how to use it in order to develop productivity at work. Know what are the things needed on how to make every transaction successful.