Author Marketing Experts Reviews

With over 11,000 titles published every single day, a good book publicist and marketing company will create opportunities now – while also supporting your long-term success.

The reviews of Author Marketing Experts are raw, honest and critical to your success. Why? Because the most successful authors play an active role in their brand building and are committed to making the most of the work they hire us for. Successful authors understand how tough this industry is. And what really sets them apart is knowing it takes a village. 

Check out what our incredible clients have said about hiring Penny Sansevieri as their book publicist and working with the Author Marketing Experts team of savvy book loving professionals. 

We’ve seen dozens of firms come and go over the last 23 years. You want us in your corner.

Raemi Ray, Martha’s Vineyard Murders

Honestly, working with you all has been a fantastic experience. Marketing isn't my forte (as you probably guessed) and I work a more than full time job, plus I'm writing. I don't have the time to dedicate to becoming an expert so your guidance has been invaluable. The team was great. I really enjoyed working with Amy as well and I hope we can work together in the future.

Gerald Fleury

In the latest episode of Book Marketing Tips, Navigating the Unexpected episode, the often overlooked aspects of authorship are brought into sharp focus, transforming what could be a dry topic into a compelling discourse on the business side of book publishing. From the meticulous task of contract reading to the broader implications of publishing as a business, this episode serves as a crucial wake-up call for writers at all stages of their careers.

The podcast excels in demystifying the dense legal jargon often found in publishing contracts. The hosts, with the help of expert guests, dissect key contractual terms and clauses in a manner that is both accessible and engaging. This approach illuminates how such legalities, though potentially tedious, are fundamental in safeguarding an author's interests.

Particularly enlightening is the discussion on the importance of understanding one’s rights and royalties. The episode doesn’t just skim the surface but dives deep into how authors can negotiate better terms and what pitfalls to avoid. This segment is a goldmine for any writer keen on not just surviving but thriving in the competitive publishing industry.

Moreover, the podcast does not shy away from the realities of publishing economics. It balances the initial enthusiasm of getting published with the pragmatic aspects of marketing and sales, areas that many creatives may overlook or be unprepared for. The tone is honest and sobering, yet ultimately empowering, as it arms authors with the knowledge to take more control over their publishing journey.

The production quality of the podcast is top-notch, with clear audio and a well-structured format that makes even the most complex topics easy to follow. Whether you’re a budding novelist or a seasoned non-fiction writer, this episode acts not only as a guide but as a necessary reality check about the intricacies of the publishing world.

In summary Marketing Tips, Navigating the Unexpected episode provides invaluable insights into the less glamorous but equally important aspects of writing and publishing. It’s a must-listen for any author who wants to navigate the publishing landscape wisely and effectively.

Marlene M. Bell, Annalisse Series & Mia and Nattie

When my first work of fiction went live, I searched for a publicist and found one on the East Coast. Without going into details, the firm did little to nothing for me during my first series book's release. That's when I began my search for another publicist, landing in the AME camp. I've been with Penny and her capable team since 2019 and have stayed with them ever since. They absolutely give me their individual, personal treatment with each new book release, in fact, they manage my Amazon ads for all novels including my children's book. That particular children's book had issues due to AI problems with KDP and we worked together for almost two years to resolve them. Penny personally stayed on my side until we found a creative way to solve the category issue with KDP. I have nothing but the utmost respect for AME and how they've conducted themselves with me as an indie author. Promoting self-published books takes time and a fair amount of money to do it right... But if the author is willing to put in the work, with the help of an excellent publicist like AME book sales do indeed pick up. My sales are ten-fold better since hiring AME for promotion and their excellent insights. Penny is a bestselling author with many great books out there to help writers make more sales and get more exposure for their books. She knows her stuff to be sure but to sell books the author has to be engaged in the process. Author Marketing Experts, Inc. is a company I can recommend highly. An A++ experience.

Laura Bedard

I just found this Podcast by Amy and Penny, as a new author I found it to be a goldmine of wisdom and inspiration as I am navigating the book publishing world. I can’t recommend it highly enough.

Jeremy Broyles, Flat Water

Every member of the AME team was kind, responsive, and patient with me throughout the entirety of the process. Everyone was always professional and personable. That has not always been my experience in this industry. Please share my thanks and gratitude with the entire team.

Maura J. Casey, Saving Ellen: A Memoir

I completed my memoir in 2022 and spent nine months trying to get an agent; once that task was completed it took another 6 months to get a publisher. Throughout the process, I listed to dozens of episodes of the Book Marketing Tips and Author Success Podcast. Here is the very practical result: when I finally got a book contract - which ran 16 pages - the podcast had prepared me to actually understand what I was reading. I cannot stress how important that was. I was able to push back on certain clauses, get more generous terms for royalties and in general work out a contract that I could feel reasonably good about. Thank you, Penny and Amy, for your wise counsel, and making me laugh along the way!

Kim Megahee, The Time Patriot

All my KDP numbers are up by about 30% already. Nice work, you guys.

Jonathan N Pruitt, The Amber Menhir

Already you've outperformed a firm I paid 8k dollars to fire at big game. AME will be hired again.

Mary Kramer, Awakening Through Moments of Choice

Wow, wow, wow! This is so exciting! We FINALLY got a report from our publisher that showed the spike in sales from AME’s work. It was significant to our Amazon sales. Thank you. If we had the money, so sorry we don’t, we’d be working with you all every month!

Lee Schneider, Artistic Director of FutureX.Studio

Thanks so much for the professionalism and completeness of everything you do (and did). I really appreciate your work on this campaign! We’ve had the most success (in this short period) with influencers and guest posts.

Janet Perez Eckles, International speaker, author & founder of JC Empowerment Ministries

I’m hooked [on the podcast]. Amy and Penny ignite in you a desire to do it right, to avoid pitfalls and to approach marketing with wisdom. The examples they give from other authors are so very helpful. I love their spunk. And the fact each episode is brief, to the point, and practical, makes it easy to catch even with a busy schedule.

Lynda Wolters, The Placeholder

You all have been fabulous, and I have learned a lot. I really appreciate your always prompt responses and attention to detail. You have not let me down and have fulfilled everything you promised. I am quite impressed. It has been fun seeing the posts populate on social media without my stressing over doing them, and I have been wowed by the response and outreach of the bloggers and reviewers - you all did a great job. Thank you!.

James Cox, Midwest Book Review

It should be noted that as the editor-in-chief of the Midwest Book Review I have had a long, friendly, and successful cyberspace pen-pal and professional relationship with Penny over the years. She is one of the most competent, knowledgeable and reliable book publicists and marketing directors I've ever had the privilege of working with. I fully endorse everything she has incorporated into her newest publication "From Book to Bestseller: The Savvy Author's Guide to Book Promotion, Smart Branding, and Longterm Success".


Thank you for such a wonderful campaign! I am going through my Ongoing Campaign Summary and am in awe of all of the things you accomplished for my book. I am happy to have chosen such a passionate and resourceful team!

George Ferencik

Just a word to thank you for the really cool articles you make available. I am the husband of Erica Ferencik, bestselling author of newly released novel, Girl in Ice from Simon and Schuster. I have watched her career that fits the great description you release to help others. That you teach at NYU makes you a favorite again. I look forward to the subscription I just signed up for today. Thanks again.

Audrey Dunham

This book selling season has been a wild ride to say the least, but I appreciate all that AME has done very much.

Peggi Davis

Thank you so much. You and your team have been so great! I hope I get the chance to work with you all again in the future. Thanks for being second to none for a first time author.

Ryan Kurr

I found Penny and her team were very professional, direct and clear about what to expect, how they work and what their priorities were during my campaign. With so many options it can be overwhelming and a little unsettling when choosing a publicity team. I am very happy I trusted my instincts and went with AME. They stand by what they offer, are dedicated to doing the best job they can do and are available for questions when they arise. I would recommend this team to anyone looking to help their project reach the public.

Marlene Bell

The Annalisse series is moving along in reviews, and I’m pleased how quickly they came in on the second book with your help. Much faster than the first. The more books written in a series, the better. I do understand how that works! Thanks for helping with the marketing strategies, which are ongoing…

Pat Finegan

As investments go, Penny’s eclectic, evidence-based class on mastering Amazon is one of the best. It offers incredible bang for the buck for aspiring authors.

What I appreciated most about Penny’s video series was that I could apply and test her lessons immediately at minimal incremental cost and with modest additional effort. This was such a refreshing departure from the “Jack of all trades” advisors who offer every book marketing service imaginable, but, because of their shotgun approach, provide no convincing way to measure or even verify the value of their respective services.

To be sure, every author would love professional website design assistance, slick video promotions, tradeshow opportunities, virtual and physical book tours, targeted newsletters to librarians, banner ads in literary blogs and ezines, weekly press releases, and sales reps banging on every bookseller’s door. But precious few publishing houses can afford that, and even fewer authors.

Penny understands the importance of ROI, of focusing a constrained budget on strategies that have proven, measurable paths to success. Penny’s expertise is Amazon – its ranking algorithm and tactics for exploiting it. She’s fiercely eclectic, having spent twenty years testing what works and doesn’t work on literally hundreds of titles. Her video series exudes experience, not academic babble or dogma. I can think of no better investment for kickstarting an author’s bookselling campaign.

Carol Allen

It was a pleasure working with your team. You maintain a professional operation and provide many paths to success. I don’t believe it is reasonable to assume insta-best seller for any of us—even good strong sales immediately. It takes a lot of hard work and strategic planning of which only we as authors can be accountable. You gave us the tools, the rest is up to us. Very difficult road today, especially as an indie author. Your optimization support on was worth every cent. Thank you for the guidance to date. Paige was a good teammate—respectful, responsive and helpful. I enjoyed working with her.

Jess Wells

A million thanks to all who worked on this campaign. Thank you for everything you've done. Your willingness to speak with me on the phone was essential in getting us off on the right foot. You've been very well organized and I appreciate it.

Johnathan Kieran

Thank you, Penny. Very helpful and exciting. This [Master Amazon Video Membership] series will be viewed with full attention/appreciation and its insights implemented in any and every way possible before, during, and after the campaign.

Carol Allen, author of One If

BTW— your team is amazing. And I am impressed with the breadth of your knowledge and marketing process. As a marketing executive, I thought I knew a little bit about the subject. But I am truly a neophyte. I’m so thrilled I signed up with you. Looking forward to learning and growing my personal “brand.”

Jonathan Kieran

As far as your management of the campaign and the overall campaign itself by AME, I am certainly satisfied. You yourself have done a most efficient, exceptionally courteous job over the past six weeks. I am grateful for your hard work, and we have a solid lift-off for Wistwood, one upon which I can build. That is what I wanted; that crucial, initial infrastructure for the book. I got it! Regarding new things learned during the course of this campaign, where to begin?

Thomas Caulfield, winner of the New York City Big Book Award

Thanks Penny, I couldn’t have achieved this without your help!

Mary Ann Rousseau

Just want to thank you from the CFO for the work that you have done for us. We are finally beginning to get some traction after 30 days. We do realize that we started this from nothing - a debut press and a debut author - so it is a challenge. Let's just hope that the momentum continues since Elyana will be releasing another book in the Fall 2019.

Lisa Becker

During my free three-day promotion, I saw a huge increase in free downloads as well as Kindle Unlimited page reads. I have another book in Kindle Unlimited which has been experiencing an increase in sales due to the this effort!

Peter van der Walt

Being new to book marketing was a lonely experience. I then consulted with several publicists before I contacted you. My first port of call informed me that - due to the subject matter of my book - they were not prepared promote it. I then contacted your firm, and after some more online digging, decided to give it a go. Throughout the process, the team was professional and helpful. I have gained an education that will serve me well for the rest of my career. I've had leads I wouldn't have known how to find. I decided to trust you, and my trust was rewarded. Thank you, ladies.

Sonia Frontera

I am very pleased with my [How Can I Sell More Books?] marketing assessment. It was thorough, comprehensive and insightful. I look forward to implementing the excellent suggestions. Working with Amy was wonderful--she was caring and responsive.

Yvette Bethel

I am pleased with your team’s professionalism and support. I like the way you build on the strategies. It makes sense to do them sequentially, especially the Amazon activities.

Flavia Brunetti

I worked with Penny and her team at AME (my campaign manager was Paige) during this year's launch of my debut novel, All the Way to Italy. They were fantastic, professional and responsive. Paige answered all questions whenever I had any, and was really supportive during my first-time-book-launch craziness. I would not hesitate to work with AME again!

Roy Rawers

As a new author looking to grow my professional influence outside of my local geography, AME provided more opportunities for the promotion of my book, Rediscovering Love, than I was able to handle. My biggest mistakes were not anticipating the time demands these opportunities would require, and the energy needed to fully take advantage of a multi month campaign. My experience with AME staff was exceptional, always finding their responses both prompt and helpful. Overall, I would offer the same insight to my new clients as I would to anyone looking to work with AME, you'll probably get out of it what you're willing to put into it.

Ray Thomas

Working with AME was worth every penny. (See what I did there?) Seriously, as indie authors we have to be careful with our budgets. Whichever level of service you choose to go with at AME it will be more than worth it. Not only for their excellent marketing campaign, but also for what they teach you about marketing. They provide an author with a master class of information that you will use to be successful for the whole of your career. Don’t spend a second pondering the cost of an AME campaign. Every penny you spend will come back to you in the form of success. (See what I did again?)

Mandy Jackson-Beverly 

When it comes to PR, Penny Sansevieri thinks long term. Good PR takes time, and Penny’s work has continued to build my author platform long after our contract expired. Penny and her awesome team at Author Marketing Experts are like the gift that keeps on giving, or in Penny’s case, an energized bunny full of joy and expertise!

Barbara Flores

I took several of your workshops at the Florida Writers Conference. Fabulous information. The best workshop on marketing I've ever attended.

Tom Booker

Just a note of appreciation for the fine job you and your team did for me in promoting my book. I am particularly grateful for the many excellent reviews; these certainly will create a positive impact on any potential readers.

Sara Pascoe

AME provided effective and efficient promotion services for my young adult novel. They got the book more Amazon reviews in a few weeks, than I, along with other services I'd hired, had been able to garner in over a year! There are no magic bullets unfortunately, and AME is the first to remind us. But with their team at the helm, and especially if you as the author continue to help paddle, you can make good progress. And hiring them gave me considerable time back for writing. They are highly professional, a pleasure to work with, and responsive to all queries and any concerns you might have along the way. After my initial campaign came to an end, I hired them to continue with 'maintenance' promotion. With approximately 4,000 books published each day, if you're serious about giving your writing a chance, I'd highly recommend AME.

Ashley Almon

My experience with Author Marketing Experts has been beyond superb! As a new children’s author, AME went above and beyond to make sure I got the support I needed. With their help, my book received stellar reviews on numerous blog sites and Amazon. AME also helped me become a guest author at the Seattle Children’s Museum, as well as a guest on the Q13 Fox Morning show, my first live television interview! I could not recommend working with their team more!

Pat Kelley Brunjes

I met Penny many years ago when she spoke at The Whidbey Island Writers Conference. I was so impressed with her presentation and her later book Red Hot Internet Publicity that when it came time to market my book I called Penny. The experience has been exceptional. Information comes to me regularly about the process and if I have a question it is answered immediately. I recommend Penny and  Author Marketing Experts as the best marketing gurus out there.

Daniel Davidsohn

A few days ago I changed my book’s categories and some of the keywords on Amazon. It got me from an overall sales rank of 2,000/5,000 to the top 100 overall.

Lorraine Brodek

Penny and her amazing AME team have debunked the old theory: You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Yes, you can! The great thing about AME is that you can choose from a multiple of promo plans that you believe might be to your best benefit by following their recommendations. There is absolutely no pressure to upgrade to a larger program. Their attention to your campaign makes you feel like you’re their only client and they’re with you every step of the way. Solid experience really is the best teacher! Even to an old dog.

Brigitte Nioche

I appreciate all you have done, it was a good experience. During my two consultations with Penny she was professional, knowledgeable, and understood the plight of authors today.

Maria Gordon

I recommend using AME services because they give their clients a very personalized service that is difficult to find from other marketing companies.

Stefania Shaffer

I am that person who employs what I learn from writing conferences. After attending Penny's session on marketing, I knew there was a recipe for success, but would the baker want to help frost a cake that had been cooling for three years? I felt like my book deserved more attention and, fortunately Penny knew just where to begin. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with the entire AME team. They are extremely polite, professional, with excellent communication. My book has now gotten into the hands of bloggers and my increased presence is undeniable. AME is the icing on the cake.

Jackie Wein

Writing my book was easy. Selling it was hard. Untangling the web of Internet sites, bloggers, and social media was daunting. I was intimidated by the options . . . until Penny Sansevieri and Author Marketing Experts guided me in the right direction. With their common-sense approach to promoting books, they were able to get my title out there and get it some great reader reviews. No wonder they have such a successful track record and wonderful reputation. I’m so grateful to Penny and the whole professional team at AME for starting the ball rolling for me.

John Ruffin, Many Roads Publishing

We have truly gotten coverage way beyond our expectations!

Melissa Van Rossum

When it comes to book marketing success, no one knows it better than Penny Sansevieri. I engaged Penny to help me promote my book Their Way Home over a year ago, and the leads continue to pour in. Penny's one of the few in this industry who knows how to build an author into a long-term success story, and she does it well. Her industry-insider knowledge and well-honed strategies are the most effective I've ever seen. Penny's the secret marketing weapon every author wants on their team.

Francisco X. Stork

Promoting my own work still feels foreign and uncomfortable to me. Penny Sansevieri and her staff helped me every step of the way.

Kathryn Jordan

I am delighted with the promotion work AME has done for me. Penny Sansevieri and her dedicated crew have produced a major online buzz for my sexy, fun novel. I've done 80 some events at bookstores, book clubs, libraries, festivals, even spas but an author can only travel so much. The scope of the web is practically infinite. From reviews on many romance sites to articles, blogs and even a podcast interview, this is a terrific way to get the word out nationwide and beyond.

Eric Penz

Working with Penny and team at AME on their Virtual Author Tours was like having my biggest fan running around inside the World Wide Web tapping every website on the shoulder while declaring the virtues of my debut novel with as much passion as might my own mother. I couldn't have received better exposure without my name being Dan Brown and my book being titled the Da Vinci Code.

Michael Mehas

Pound for pound, dollar for dollar, Penny Sansevieri provides the most promotional value available for an author in today's tight marketplace. Her savvy and experience in the business allows her to tailor the perfect marketing plan around your specific needs. If your goals include generating name recognition as an author and a buzz for your book, there's no better person for the job, sense or dollars wise, period!

Dara Girard

I can't begin to tell you how impressed I've been with your company and the services it has provided me.

Janine Bolon, SmartCents, Inc.

I wanted to thank you for the excellent work your team did in helping me to promote the debt-free living lifestyle. Your team was able to guide me in redesigning my web site for higher traffic, establish a free newsletter, start a blog and get me on several radio shows. This effort resulted in a 150% increase in hits to the web site as well as a 600% increase in my newsletter subscriptions. I am still amazed at the response! I found your fee exceedingly reasonable compared with the remarkable results I had. I will be using your services again when I launch my next book.

Ray Silverstein PRO, President’s Resource Organization™

Having my first book published is a great event, but I quickly learned my publisher does not give a lot of marketing support.The best thing they did was introduce me to Author Marketing Experts. The viral marketing activity created books reviews, radio and podcast interviews. In short, gave me great exposure for a first time writer. Because of the exposure I received I was invited by Entrepreneur magazine to write a monthly column and to be an official blogger. I would use Author Marketing Experts again. I believe I received great value for the investment. The staff was easy to work with, professional and followed through.

Laura Robb

Penny Sansevieri and the team at Author Marketing Experts have helped me understand the power of advertising on the Internet and promoted my newest book in ways I did not know existed. They also helped me improve my web site so that visitors would find it chock full of relevant information. The team was able to reach the target audience for my book, Differentiating Reading Instruction, and hugely improved the number of visitors to my web site. Their use of the web on my behalf gave me a presence beyond my expectations. Their unique marketing techniques worked beautifully for my book. I plan to maintain this terrific business relationship!

B.L., Author in Multiple Media

Thank you for showing me the ways of Internet marketing! Your counsel has been wise and your efforts wonderfully laudable. When my next story is ready, I'll be back.

Jill Byrne

Kudos to Penny Sansavieri and her team at Author Marketing Experts. You guys are the Greyhound bus of on-line book marketing. What a relief to leave the driving in such capable hands. Your professional expertise provided on-line contacts and exposure that continue to gain marketing opportunities for this new author. Thank you for creating the media buzz so desperately needed. One blogger's review already has more than 8800 hits in the first six weeks. That's more people than I could ever reach on my own!AME: the best one stop on-line marketing s hop out there!

Stephanie Bennett Vogt

You and your staff at Author Marketing Experts were instrumental in giving my self-published baby some visibility and traction. Your suggested overhauls to my website, social networking, SEO and blogging guidelines (which I followed by posting twice a week for three years straight) was pure gold for honing my message and growing my platform. Though it has taken five years, I am one of those success stories that you write about. So thank you!

Charlie Mac

For any aspiring author who thinks his or her book will just magically become a world-wide best seller once it's completed...prepare for the shock of your life. I asked my editor/publisher, who was the best publicist in the literary business. She didn't hesitate. Penny Sansevieri of Author Marketing Experts is the difference maker because they create a path that expands public awareness of Legends Lost in a logical, professional, and successful way. Think of it this way: a good business person hires people to do the job that he or she cannot do. If you're lacking in marketing skills, you'd better think about how you're going to get it done. Does this cost money? Of course, but doesn't everything?

Christine M. Whitehead

I used the services of Author Marketing Experts recently to promote a novel that had already been out in the public realm for three years. It's a daunting task but AME helped me get reviews; gave my book visibility; gave me invaluable pointers. I'd been involved with several other marketing agencies since 2009 and AME gave me the best pointers which led to sales and readers. I highly recommend their services, their integrity, and their expertise. You won't be sorry.

Guy Kawasaki

Penny, you are the woman, thanks for showing me the way with APE. I appreciate your help and guidance promoting it!

Catana Tully

I self-published my book, Split at the Root, but had no idea of the work that awaited me when it came to marketing it. Penny and the AME team took me under their wings and patiently guided me in learning the tricks of the marketing trade. Within the year, my book reached the #1 position on Amazon's Bestseller list in its category. I am ever-so pleased I signed up with AME.

The People Factor

Penny and her team helped us get some top reviewers for the book which created the early momentum we needed. The People Factor now has nearly 200 reviews on Amazon in just six months. Thank you Author Marketing Experts.

John Benedict

I wanted to thank you personally and your staff for your efforts on my behalf in our recent campaign. I've had some amazing results ! So, thanks again for all your efforts--they really do seem to be paying off with tangible results!

Jonelle Patrick

The AME team delivered a solid book launch for Fallen Angel and set up what has turned out to be an easily sustainable marketing program. Thanks to the groundwork they laid, my book continues to sell at a steady rate, over a year later.

Salah el Moncef

I first came into contact with Penny Sansevieri and the AME book marketing team during the early promotion of The Offering. As soon as I started working on the marketing process with the AME team, I was truly awed by their stellar competence, their customer-friendly attitude, and their unique capacity to always be there for you 24/7 to help you promote your book with an effective marketing campaign that's specifically customized to meet your individual needs and the specific genre profile and marketing requirements of your book. Thanks to a world-class communications system and Penny Sansevieri's truly extraordinary marketing gifts, the AME team helped me launch a totally stress-free, brilliantly targeted multi-level marketing campaign that made a huge difference for my book. For the marketing campaign of my next novel, it's going to be AME all the way! It's great to know that.

KM Weiland

Thank you, Penny, and everyone else, for all your work on this. It was a great experience for me and my best novel launch to date. I've learned a ton from you gals and hope to work with you again in the future. Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge!

Leslie Hachtel

She (Penny) and her team are fantastic. They delivered reviews, exposure on social media and got my name out there. With so many books being published every day, that alone is a feat...Penny and her team are the BEST! I have a new book coming out soon and after that I will absolutely hire Penny and her team again to promote me and my work.

James Ross

...during the promotion my book rose to the number 1 position in two fiction categories and soared into the top 50 overall. My reviews increased tenfold and the sales that were generated after the promotion ended increased significantly.

Elizabeth SaFleur

Working with AME was a wonderful experience. On the side, I ran a PR firm for 16 years. I can tell a quality outfit. In fact, I might be a little in love with you all now. LOL Great results and terrific advice on what to do next.

Cherry Adair

I love the team at Author Marketing Experts and these programs really helped boost my book exposure and I got some really great reviews! Love it! I highly recommend these campaigns!

Tawny Weber

What a wonderful experience! Working with Author Marketing Experts was a pleasure from start to finish. This was the easiest marketing I've ever done, and I got great results.

Nick Chiarkas

Thank you to Penny Sansevieri and her brilliant team at Author Marketing Experts for their guidance and invaluable assistance in helping Weepers reach more places than I could have imagined.

You deserve a book publicist who understands how this industry works. And that’s what sets Penny Sansevieri apart from the rest.

As an indie author with 22 titles and counting, she knows how complex this process is, how far you can go, and what it takes to get there.

Definitely check out Penny’s about page if you haven’t visited it yet.

And don’t miss the Book Marketing Tips & Author Success podcast Penny does with Amy Cornell. They’ve been working together for more than a decade and love having frank and fun conversations about what it takes to compete in today’s market.

A Book Publicist You Can Trust

We hope our previous clients and dedicated authors have convinced you that Penny Sansevieri and her team are a group you can trust with your long-term success!

We promise we will never sell you dreams, but we do promise that we’ll help you create a platform that will engage readers and potential buyers for years to come.