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Salah el Moncef

I first came into contact with Penny Sansevieri and the AME book marketing team during the early promotion of The Offering. As soon as I started working on the marketing process with the AME team, I was truly awed by their stellar competence, their customer-friendly attitude, and their unique capacity to always be there for you 24/7 to help you promote your book with an effective marketing campaign that’s specifically customized to meet your individual needs and the specific genre profile and marketing requirements of your book. Thanks to a world-class communications system and Penny Sansevieri’s truly extraordinary marketing gifts, the AME team helped me launch a totally stress-free, brilliantly targeted multi-level marketing campaign that made a huge difference for my book. For the marketing campaign of my next novel, it’s going to be AME all the way! It’s great to know that.

Looking for personalized book marketing strategies? Request your free consult today!

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