Navigating the Climb: Pitfalls for Authors Eyeing the Summit

by | Apr 11, 2024 | Podcast for Authors

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this episode, we take a peek behind the curtain and dive into the sometimes harsh realities of the book publishing world, shedding light on the obstacles that can slow an author’s rise to the top – and sharing insights on how to avoid them.

While we love authors who dream big, keeping expectations in check is essential. Don’t be fooled, this isn’t a bummer episode but rather a discussion of actionable things authors can do to avoid wasting precious time and resources on futile pursuits.

From the allure of quick-fix marketing campaigns to the importance of reader reviews and social proof, we dissect the common traps authors fall into when seeking book success and we offer ideas for the right steps to take.

Ultimately, this episode serves as a reality check for aspiring authors, emphasizing the importance of patience, perseverance, and strategic thinking in navigating the treacherous path to literary success. So, if you’re an author with big dreams of hitting the big leagues, tune in to learn how to avoid the pitfalls and keep climbing toward your goals.

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Resources and Free Downloads

Download our free monthly book marketing planner, because it’s a foundational building block of author success!

Navigating the media landscape and how to to get your book the attention it deserves.

How the tsunami of books is reshaping what works in book publicity.

Memoir v. self-help, how to decide which category you belong in.

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