Pitching Your Book to Specialty Stores and Gift Shops

by | Sep 7, 2023 | Podcast for Authors

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

There’s so much more marketing to be done offline than many authors realize.

Physical stores provide authors with a prime platform to showcase their work to a broader audience. Being on the shelves of a reputable store can significantly increase a book’s visibility among potential readers who might not have come across it otherwise.

A physical presence in stores can also lead to more word-of-mouth marketing. When people browse and find a book they enjoy, they are more likely to recommend it to friends and family, leading to organic promotion.

And once your book is in stores you increase your chances of being able to set up events and signings!

Our goal for this episode is to explore some potential sales opportunities you may not have considered without pitching your book to stores. We’ll discuss specialty shops, special placement, and unique stores that could be a perfect match for your genre or topic. Get ready to take notes!

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Check out our podcast page and learn more about the team at www.amarketingexpert.com/author-podcast


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