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Quiz: Test your Author and Book Marketing Knowledge

by | Jun 27, 2023 | Being in Business as an Author

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Author and book marketing can feel like a roller coaster, sometimes you’re nailing it, and other times you’re staring at your computer trying to figure out something interesting to say to your fans, or trying to come up with a new way to reach readers.

We get it! Our team is full of pros and we’re still learning, growing, trying out new strategies, and taking notes as sites like Amazon continually develop.

But that’s part of being an in this industry – author and book marketing never stop, but there’s always a new day to do it better.

Take our quiz, have fun with it, and use it as a reminder of what marketing means, and what your expectations should be as you continue to build your author brand!

[tqb_quiz id=’30920′]

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1 Comment

  1. Robert

    I thoroughly enjoyed this article! It was a refreshing and engaging way to test my understanding of the subject matter. The questions were well-crafted and covered a wide range of important topics, allowing me to assess my strengths and identify areas where I could further improve. The interactive format made it a fun and interactive learning experience. I appreciate the effort put into creating this unique and informative quiz. It not only helped me gauge my expertise but also provided valuable insights and practical tips throughout. Kudos to the author for developing such a valuable resource for authors and aspiring marketers alike!


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