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Author Tips: Creating a Stronger and More Consistent Brand

by | May 30, 2023 | Author Branding

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There are thousands of author tips out there, so I know how overwhelming it can be to get a list of new ones – but I assure you these are going to speak to the core of what’s needed for a successful brand that will ensure success for years to come!

And why is branding so important?

There are over 4500 books published every single day, so no matter how niche your topic might be, you’re dealing with a lot of competition.

But one thing you can be sure of, no one can mimic your brand. Your brand is entirely unique to who you are as a person, an author, a small business owner (yes, you’re one of those if you’re an author), an influencer – the list goes on!

Your brand is what makes you special and what helps you stand out in the crowded book publishing space.

So don’t slack on your brand, and check out our author tips for creating something truly special and engaging!

author tips

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1 Comment

  1. Yasar Ali

    Thank you for the easy-to-read and eye-catching infographic and the tips inside it. I am personally working on writing an SEO eBook and I am going to publish it next week.


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