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Become an Amazon Marketing Ninja

by | Dec 29, 2022 | Amazon Updates & Marketing Tips, Podcast for Authors

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Amazon marketing is critical in publishing, whether you love or hate Amazon, or land somewhere in between, it’s still the number one bookseller in the world – so unless you’d rather remain obscure instead of playing nice, get ready to take notes.

One key element that a lot of authors forget to factor in is their Amazon relevancy score.

This is quite literally a secret formula, algorithm, form of witchcraft (whatever you want to call it) that Amazon uses to rate your book, and determine how interested shoppers are.

Sounds scary doesn’t it? In some ways it is, but only because it confirms that you can’t slack off when it comes to Amazon marketing or your Amazon presence in general.

Hopefully you’re intrigued enough to listen to the whole episode, and we look forward to your feedback on the show!

Full-length episodes from our book promotion podcast go live every other Thursday. You can stream episodes from our website, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

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The minisodes are a grab bag of topics to include industry rants, publishing predictions and breaking news, basic (yet critical) business advice for authors, and more!

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