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How to Promote Your Book Without Using Social Media

by | Sep 1, 2022 | Podcast for Authors, Social Media for Authors

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

We covered the very hot topic of how to promote your book without using social media on a recent podcast episode, and you should absolutely listen to the entire show as soon as you have time – but here’s a quick recap!

Figuring out how to promote your book at all is challenging, let’s start there.

For most authors, marketing doesn’t come naturally, so it’s more of a chore than anything. But whether you love it, hate it, or merely tolerate it – it’s not something you can avoid entirely.

Teasers from our podcast for authors

If you don’t want to use social media you’ll have to find other ways to connect with readers, because that’s what social media’s primary function is.

And the full episode covers some really creative ideas!

But one replacement strategy won’t be enough, so while skipping social media sounds like a reprieve (and it still can be), it doesn’t mean you won’t have to work hard to get your book out there.

Deciding how to promote your book without social media may take some trial and error, and you’ll also have to play a long game, because the strategies you can utilize instead aren’t always instantly gratifying – but that doesn’t mean they’re not super effective.

Hopefully you’re intrigued, and we look forward to your feedback on the show!

Full-length episodes from our podcast for authors go live every other Thursday. You can stream episodes from our website, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Plus, you’ll want to follow us on your preferred podcast platform in order to catch our helpful- and often hilarious- minisodes that go live every other Friday!

Do you have any suggestions for a future episode?

We would love to hear from you in the comments section!

Resources and Free Downloads

Be sure to follow and listen to more episodes of our podcast for authors, you won’t be disappointed!

How to promote your book with more consistency and less chaos.

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Sell more books by boosting your backlist.

Barnes & Noble has found itself in some hot water with middle grade and YA authors.


  1. Patty Grasher

    Listening to your podcast about not using Social Media – but it seems to me that it is still about being online – website, blog, online newsletter, podcast. I guess I was looking to this talk being more on actions offline.

    Liked these points

    Connecting with Bookstores & Libraries
    Connecting with Influencers
    Connecting with media people

    • Penny Sansevieri

      Patty hi there, you make some great points and it’s a really good idea about doing a podcast on more off-line stuff. That’s important and not always easy! The idea of this podcast was to really encourage authors to look for more online places to promote themselves – without going to social media. You have some great opportunity to do a lot of the things we talked about, especially with your topic! Good luck!

  2. Anne

    Great podcast, full of ideas and suggestions!

    • Penny Sansevieri

      Thank you so much – we really appreciate the feedback! Anne if you have time can you review it? We’d love a review 🙂 Thanks!

  3. Steven LaBree

    Interesting information. Thanks!!

    As an older author with two novels published, SM is a useless vehicle. Websites and blogs can help but things like TikTok, Instagram and such won’t draw the crowd I need. Local is the best alternative along with a web presence, business cards, and hand outs. I’ve been trying to break into the local scene but even that is an uphill climb. I’d happily do a podcast if someone would call me back but they seem to be busy with other thing.

    • Penny Sansevieri

      I agree it’s not easy – but I wonder if podcasts are the best place for you? I love that you’re doing lots of local stuff – or trying to. My best advice is to try and tie in a local event, like a book signing or a booth at a craft fair to getting some local media. Good luck! Penny

  4. Oliver gee

    informative podcast thanks penny

    • Penny Sansevieri

      Glad you enjoyed the show!

  5. Block Management

    I really like your ideas about how we can sell books without using social media

    • Penny Sansevieri

      Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the show!

  6. Pam Taylor

    Excellent. Encouraging. Inspiring. Thank you!

  7. Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    There are so many ways to market a book. Frugal me thinks in terms of reach (time) in addition to the ways that build close connections with readers. It’s one reason for my “The More You Know…” motto and “Reading one book on book marketing is never enough!”
    The bottom line for social media is the numbers that can be reached…fast. My favorite for building loyalty is newsletters. Both your own and contributing to others’.
    Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    • Penny Sansevieri

      Carolyn how nice to hear from you! Thanks for your comment – and I agree, newsletters are so smart! Great points.


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