As an indie author it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the things, especially the marketing. And let’s face it, so much changes in marketing – it’s often hard to keep up.
As an indie author myself, I can’t imagine going this alone. And the reality is that yes, i do have a team – but even if I didn’t, I still wouldn’t go it all alone.Mostly because, let’s face it, we aren’t good at all the things. And when I first had my business, I was determined to do it all myself. But honestly that simply wasn’t realistic. Accounting was a big downfall of mine, I wasn’t good at it, and I didn’t like it. But once I outsourced it, within a year I doubled my business. And that’s the magic of outsourcing the things you aren’t good at. Doing so frees up your mind and expands your creativity.
But other than outsourcing, here are some major benefits to working with a book marketing company and why leveraging the help of a team can really improve your chances at success:
- Guidance – and this is a big one. Direction, guidance and perspective are all key elements to working with a team. Knowing when you’re on the right path, and when you aren’t and having a trusted advisor who can help you reallign your strategy and focus.
- A good marketing team pushes you to be better, they don’t just smile and nod. The truth is, if you have worked with a book publicity firm that doesn’t give you a lot of feedback, or pushes you – you’re probably working with the wrong firm.
- You should gain some strategic tips and recommendations for your long-term plan. A good book marketing firm isn’t a one-and-done strategy, a good camapign is designed to help you reach long-term success.
- You’ll likely save money, with a better potential return in the long-run. It’s true. And much like my accounting example early on, spending money to make money is really a thing if you spend it in the right way.
- And last but certainly not least: I mentioned early on that it’s hard to keep on top of everything – and it’s so true. A good book publicist should know what’s trending, what isn’t – they know the ins and outs of pitching and have relationships with influencers. They should also know all the latest info on Amazon, algorithm changes, etc.
Hiring out your book marketing does not mean that you have to hire someone forever, in fact in most cases (and depending on your goals and budget) you could opt for a four week, six week or twelve week campaign with the option to continue. The point is, you’ve worked so hard to get to where you are, don’t stop short of true success. Get a team, you’ll be glad you did!
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Monthly Book Marketing Planner
Check out KM Weiland’s site, she’s an excellent resource
Why Self-Publishing Your Book is Lucrative if You’re Planning a Series
Before Self-Publishing A Book Make Sure to Answer These 5 Crucial Questions
My name
Is Thelma Johnson, I’m just publishing a picture book for children. How much do you charge to do a website? One day I would like to sell merchandise as well, such as a coloring book. I paid a lot of money already just publishing my book and paying for some marketing with the publishing company!!
Hi, I’m inquiring about having someone market my novel. I’m inclined to use your marketing firm for quite some time, and I have chosen to use a marketing agency rather than do this myself. What are your options and expectations? I have two titles on Amazon, the one I’m interested in is “Viking, flame, and the sword.” I am an older author, and it appears my time is limited. However, I am serious about getting this novel completed as a marketing concern. About 90% finished with another book I’m working on now. This novel, too, is a marketing program, being successful with the first one.
Thank you. And God bless.
Warren Mackenzie
740-407-8651 cell phone.
I have six novels, each registered with LOC and published via Ingram Spark. I identify the genre as ‘general/literary fiction’. You can see the novel covers and their synopses at There shortly will be a sample for each of them on the site.
Each novel is currently being read by at least two people who have agreed to provide a review. Those reviews will go on the site as well. Right now I am about 40,000 words into novel #7 and plan to put an excerpt on the site.
Is this enough for you to ponder advice on what to do to market my work? I am frankly too busy writing to even think, beyond this note, about marketing.