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QUIZ: How to Turn Browsers into Buyers while Boosting Book Publicity

by | Mar 10, 2022 | Amazon Updates & Marketing Tips

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Authors are constantly reaching out to us asking for advice on generating more book publicity or figuring out why their books aren’t selling on Amazon. It is also our number one requested topic for our Book Marketing & Author Success Podcast!

I do want to mention again, that there is no fancy marketing that will convince readers to buy something that isn’t right for them or isn’t appealing. In the end, it’s up to your book to make the sale. But, there are some key areas you can focus on in order to boost your reader engagement and land that sale!

It’s easy to get lost in the shuffle with all the books available on Amazon. You only have a few moments to grab a buyers attention, and convince them to purchase your book. Every detail must be thought out and strategic!

So we created a quiz based on our podcast Minisode: The Unexpected Details that Drive More Book Sales to highlight some essential details for generating more book publicity.

If you haven’t listened, I highly recommend it!

We keep it real and explain where some authors miss the mark when it comes to marketing their book on Amazon.

There’s no hard and fast rule or perfect equation for success.

However, we will always be super honest with you, and success takes work. It requires educating yourself, and it requires committing to doing it better going forward.

The beauty with book publicity is you get a fresh start with each title you release!

So don’t be afraid to share your score and anything you learned in the comment section. I assure you you’re in good company because part of learning is making mistakes.

Resources and Free Downloads

Five Secrets to Self-Publishing a Book and Generating More Sales

QUIZ: Book Publicity Red Flags That Stand Between You and Success

Amazon Cheatsheet

Master Amazon & Sell More Books Video Series

Check out Jane Friedman’s site, she’s an excellent resource

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