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How to Turn Readers into Superfans

by | Mar 1, 2022 | Podcast for Authors

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In this book marketing podcast episode, Rallying Your People: Superfans and Street Teams, we talk about Superfans and Street Teams and what they can do for your longevity as an author!

There are some major differences between them, but both are important to your author branding, book marketing plan, and long-term success,.

There can be some overlap, but not every fan is going to be both things for you. Superfans are the people who will read all your books and come back for each new release. They’ll follow you on social media. And they’ll probably recommend your books to their closest friends as well. But a step up from that is your street team. Your street team readers will also help you promote your book. Examples of this will be consistently liking, commenting, and sharing your social media content. Posting reviews and recommendations for your books on their own accounts. Posting reviews every single time and not long after your book releases. They’re Superfans with structure!

Yes, everything you do for your author brand needs to be strategic. And we’ve done another book marketing podcast episodes on the pitfalls of brainstorming too much without taking action, and your Superfans are no different – keep it purposeful, and manageable.

Here are four easy steps to consider:

  1. Deciding what you need your street team to do.
  2. Deciding what you can do to reward them for their support.
  3. Recruiting them.
  4. Managing them.

I also want to mention that I teach entire classes on this, and we have a whole program designed around it that includes a branding call where we can really get specific about what you can do to take your reader following to the next level. Make sure to reach out if this is something that interests you!

Do you have any suggestions for a future book marketing podcast episode? I would love to hear from you down in the comment section!

Resources and Free Downloads

Make sure to listen to more episodes of our Book Marketing Podcast

Infographic: 5 Simple Strategies to Use in Your Quarterly Book Promotion Plan

Unique Author Branding and Content Ideas Using March Observances

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Check out KM Weiland’s site, she’s an excellent resource


  1. Kayleen Reusser

    Thanks for this epi. I’m working on establishing teams for my publicity and reviews of books. I appreciate your podcast.

  2. Jacqueline Vick

    Great podcast. Thank you for clarifying the difference and giving us helpful tips for putting a Street Team together.


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