Infographic: 5 Simple Strategies to Use in Your Quarterly Book Promotion Plan

by | Feb 24, 2022 | Book Marketing Basics

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I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with everything you need to do to market your book. Creating a book promotion plan to get more exposure and more book sales may seem like a daunting and impossible task. However, there are tons of excellent book promotion strategies you can use to move the needle.

These five strategies, if implemented regularly, can really help your book promotion goals. And when I say regularly, I mean at least once a quarter.

Quarterly Book Marketing Plan

Amazon Keywords

It’s a good idea to check on your Amazon keywords and change these seasonally. Amazon often changes how they interpret keywords, and they add new eBook categories, too. Make sure to keep up with the changes.

Amazon Author Central

Much like keywords, you should try to find unique ways to make your overall Amazon presence stand out. Adjust or change it with the change in seasons, around big holidays, with the news cycle as appropriate, or with changes in popular culture. Sometimes simple, timely phrases are all it takes to boost your exposure.

eBook Promotions

There are a lot of free reader/newsletter sites where you can submit your discounts. After you submit, remember to promote the deal everywhere; in your newsletter, on social media, and don’t forget to ask superfans to share, as well.

Free Bonus Content

Think character deep-dives, cutting room floor ideas and chapters, new ideas for upcoming storylines and books, or even worksheets or quizzes if you write non-fiction. Have fun with it!

Trade Book Promotions with Other Authors

This is another super fun option to add to your book promotion plan! With an author similar to you, offer to swap features on each other’s social media or in your newsletters. This can be done for a new release or as part of your limited-time discount promotion.

Refreshing Your Book Promotion Plan

Adding these five things to your quarterly book promotion plan doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. These five ideas are a great place to start and apply to any kind of author, regardless of genre. They’re also free, which is a plus!

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Resources and Free Downloads

Quarterly Amazon Planner

Sell More Books on Amazon

Infographic: 5 Crucial Items on Your Book Marketing Checklist

QUIZ: Book Publicity Red Flags That Stand Between You and Success

Check out our Podcast for more Book Promotion Tips

Check out Jane Friedman’s site, she’s an excellent resource

1 Comment

  1. Cat Michaels

    At last! A marketing strategy I can implement that won’t break the bank or drive me crazy -: D Sharing with my author pals.


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