Have you been on the verge of hiring a book marketing company?
Maybe your sales are lackluster, perhaps you’re just running out of time to market your book, or let’s face it – we’ve all had to admit at one point that we just don’t know what we’re doing.
A book marketing company can definitely help you take your author brand and your platform to the next level; I specifically stress how much I can help authors with their exposure to the right people.
But if you want to sell more books and revive your author brand, you need to be prepared to make the most of the investment.
This shouldn’t be too shocking. This is simply smart business. And you are a business. Check out the link in the Resources and Free Downloads section where I talk about being an author and a small business.
You buy a house or a car and you get insurance. When planning a vacation, you schedule activities to make sure you’re not sitting in the hotel all day.
So why would you hire a book marketing company and just sit back and hope they can single-handedly make all your dreams come true?
Check out and share our infographic to ensure you and your fellow authors are getting the best out of a professional collaboration!
Resources and Free Downloads
FREE Monthly Book Marketing Planner
Reasons Being an Indie Author Makes You a Small Business
Many Best Book Marketing Campaigns Rely on Publishing Schedules