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6 Tips for Marketing Self-Published Books on Amazon with Author Central

by | Jun 10, 2020 | Amazon Updates & Marketing Tips

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Marketing self-published books on Amazon is an ongoing strategy, it never ends! But with a bit of planning and strategic organization you can convert more shoppers to buyers with minimal effort.

Here are 6 simple ways to up your game on Amazon by drawing in more readers that are specifically interested in your genre or topic!

Adding Your Author Interview

One cool and creative way to engage your potential buyers and build in more of your keywords is via the author interview: meaning you will interview yourself.

First off, shoppers get to know more about you, and the more they connect with you the more likely they are to buy.

But for fiction authors Amazon keywords often gets tricky. For example, it’s hard to incorporate “science fiction thriller” into your book description. But it’s fairly easy to do it in an interview!

Aim to ask fun questions, put yourself in the reader’s shoes, what would you want to know about your favorite author? What could an author that you enjoy reading chat about that might make you click buy?

Non-fiction authors should do this too because it’s a great way to dig into your expertise, your motivation for writing the book, all these great aspects of your background that would be too much to cram into your bio.

Share Your Inspiration 

On your individual book details page in the ‘From the Author’ section include your inspiration for writing your book and more importantly, who you wrote it for.

This is a great place to include your keywords and your genre-specific buzzwords and themes as well – because it truly speaks to those who are going to be most interested in your book.

Again, it’s about connecting and being uniquely you. Your inspiration is important, and talking about the kind of reader you like to write for is an exceptional way to give potential buyers a more personal connection to your work.

Showcase Your Book Reviews

I’ve written about watching for reviews that have been removed by Amazon, and adding them onto your book page via Amazon Author Central. So that’s point number one. Although reviews being removed doesn’t happen a lot – it can happen, so it’s good to have Author Central as a backup. Reviews are crucial to marketing your self-published books on Amazon.

But in terms of keeping your page up to date, maybe you have a few reviews that didn’t get onto your Amazon book page. This is a good opportunity to flaunt them!

For a variety of reasons, bloggers who do reviews may not cross-post their review to Amazon. By the same token, interviews or reviews in magazines may not make it onto your Amazon page.

Not all Goodreads users cross-post to Amazon either, so if you have a review on Goodreads you’re really proud of, get it on your book page.

Author Central is a great way to create all of these additional opportunities!

You could also grab some of the best reviews (and these might already be on your Amazon book page) but choose to highlight them in your Author Central page, so you can call attention to them.

Get Comfortable with Recording and Asking for Video Shorts

Converting shoppers to buyers has a lot to do with your brand, and your brand is essentially YOU. One of the best ways to stand out effortlessly is by adding a personalized video. No one can replicate the networking and promotion you can do via video, it’s so uniquely you.

Get out that selfie camera and record a message for your readers!

If you write fiction start with something funny – it could be as simple as a quick welcome message and telling them you can’t wait to read their reviews.

If you write non-fiction then start with a really impressive tip, or a wow factor, or a bit of advice. This is a great way to tease the content of your book.

Grow Your Free Amazon Mailing List

Did you know that if readers go to your Author Central page it gives them the option to add you to their favorites, and they will automatically be alerted of any of your new releases?

Not just new releases, but pre-orders as well!

This is an amazing way to improve discovery by putting the Amazon machine to work for you – they become a critical mailing list.

Drive readers to follow you by including the link on your website, promote it in social, and add it to your From the Author section. Be shameless about asking people to follow you.

Here’s an example from a client’s website:

An example of marketing your self-published books on Amazon!

Thank Reviewers and Be Engaged

You should always be reading your reviews, this is essential to marketing self-published books on Amazon. Not only do they provide free market research, but they’re also a great networking tool.

As reviews are posted, thank readers for their feedback by posting a comment on the review. This personalized approach to connecting with readers leaves a lasting impression and helps build your return buyer potential.

You can also click on the “Was this review helpful?” button below a review to give it a virtual pat on the back!

Just keep in mind that you need to keep your cool if a reader has constructive criticism or something negative to say. I hate to break it to you, your book isn’t going to be a perfect fit for everyone – but that’s part of being an author and you need to get over it quickly – or you’ll never maintain the positive attitude needed for success.

Resources and Free Downloads

Supported HTML for Customizing Your Book Description!

Free Amazon Checklist!

Amazon Book Promotion: Why You Need More Reviews and How to Get Them

Please use the social share buttons below if you learned something from this post – your shares really help educate other authors, which raises the bar for publishing and gets more books in readers hands!


  1. Harsha Shastry


    I am an Author from India. I have published my Romantic Dystopian novel on KDP amazon. However, I am not able to get sales or attention as I not getting the hang of Amazon marketing or campaigns. Could you help me in any way?

    Book link:

    • Penny Sansevieri

      Hello Harsha,

      I’d love to have a chat with you about what I can do for your book! Please feel free to contact me here so we can chat.


  2. Lance Charnes

    You mention an author interview early in this post. I do those for each book and post them on my website. However, where do those go in Author Central? I’ve looked all over and can’t find it. Thanks.

  3. Carl Green

    It’s great to learn that you should read reviews when self-publishing a book. My wife is wanting to write her first book and she was wondering how she could effectively market the novel if she self-publishes it. I’ll be sure to tell her that she should read reviews if she self-publishes her book.


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