Welcome to our list of December observances and content ideas for your monthly author marketing plan!
If you’re committed to making this year one of your most successful yet – we can help you do that.
If you haven’t downloaded our Monthly Book Marketing Planner yet you can grab that at the bottom of this piece in our resources section.
Remember, without regular connections to readers, you’re just another book on the shelf (literal or virtual) they have no vested interest in…so take the time to make yourself stand out by using our monthly observances and tips to create interesting content with your own unique twist.
Another great reason to bookmark this author marketing resource? Timely content that uses popular and trending search terms and hashtags, is a great way to enhance your visibility and improve SEO in a very simple way.
And what’s really key: content ideas don’t always have to stem from your genre or topic.
When it comes to author marketing and building a brand, ensuring fans and followers have ways to connect with you on a more personal level is equally as powerful as ensuring you also make time to really speak to your genre and topic.
How to Use My Content Ideas
Below are holidays and just plain wacky and fun December Observances in 2019.
I’ve also included a few content ideas and angles to help spark your creativity!
Remember, not all these are worth an entire blog post or article, but nearly all of them can be turned into a fun or thought provoking social media post or blurb in your newsletter – so it’s like getting triple the ideas!
Keep in mind, nearly all your posts should encourage your fans and followers to respond, chime in, share their stories, etc. so don’t forget to work in that angle.
I mention it as part of my recommendations occasionally, but please know that encouraging engagement is always the goal – so never post “flat” content, always get creative with how you can pull others into the conversation, and easily.
And if you’re feeling a little guilty about the lack of promotion planning you’ve done so far this year, use this list as a productive kick in the rear, commit to writing something for each of the holidays listed, use it on social, for your blog, in your newsletter – get creative – but giving yourself a bar to reach is the first step.
Do polls, giveaways, fan art contests, remember to make it about your readers – not about you – and you’re guaranteed to see better engagement.
If you need some additional support on how to translate these ideas to actual content and posts, please consider signing up for email coaching with me and we’ll get personal!
Getting Started with Content Ideas
December 1
National Pie Day – If you have an award-winning recipe, share with your followers.
National Eat a Red Apple Day
Day With(out) Art Day
Rosa Parks Day
December 2
National Fritters Day
National Mutt Day – Dogs always break the Internet, show off your furry editor.
Special Education Day
Cyber Monday – Get those eBook sales today and promote the heck out of your work!
December 3
National Roof Over Your Head Day
World Trick Shot Day
National Day of Giving – If you and your family focus on acts of service this time of year be sure to encourage others to do the same.
December 4
National Cookie Day
National Dice Day
National Sock Day
December 5
Bathtub Party Day
International Ninja Day
National Repeal Day
December 6
National Microwave Oven Day
St. Nicholas Day
Miners’ Day
Faux Fur Friday
National Bartender Day – Let’s share our favorite cocktails!
December 7
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
National Cotton Candy Day
National Rhubarb Vodka Day – If you’ve tried it, I want to hear about it!
December 8
National Brownie Day
Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day – If you have time travel in your novel you better be ready to promote.
December 10
Dewey Decimal System Day
National Lager Day
Human Rights Day
Nobel Prize Day
Time to Get Creative with Your Author Marketing
December 12
Gingerbread House Day – If you participate in this time honored tradition share a photo with your network.
Poinsettia Day
December 13
National Cocoa Day
National Violin Day
National Guard Birthday
December 14
National Wreaths Across America Day
December 15
National Cupcake/ Lemon Cupcake Day
Bill of Rights Day
Cat Herders Day
National Wear Your Pearls Day
December 16
National Chocolate-covered Anything Day
December 17
National Maple Syrup Day
Wright Brothers Day
December 18
National Roast Suckling Pig Day
Answer The Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day – Who’s going to do it? I want to call you!
December 19
National Hard Candy Day
National Oatmeal Muffin Day
December is Almost Over
December 20
National Sangria Day
National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day – Selfies please!
Underdog Day
December 21
National French Fried Shrimp Day
Crossword Puzzle Day
Humbug Day
Winter Solstice
Celebrate Short Fiction Day – The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year, why not celebrate with some short stories?
December 22
National Date Nut Bread Day
December 23
National Pfeffernusse Day
National Roots Day
Forefathers Day
Chanukah Begins
December 24
National Eggnog Day
Christmas Eve
December 25
National Pumpkin Pie Day
December 26
National Candy Cane Day
National Thank-you Note Day – Seriously, already? But if you’re an author, this is a great reminder to reach out and thank those you networked with in 2019, including bloggers, other authors, be memorable and it will carry you far.
National Whiner’s Day
December 28
National Short Film Day
National Chocolate Candy Day
National Card Playing Day
Pledge of Allegiance Day
December 30
Falling Needles Family Fest Day
Bacon Day
December 31
National Champagne Day
No Interruptions Day – Last Work Day of the Year
Make Up Your Mind Day – Are you going to be a stronger book promoter in 2020?!
New Years Eve
Universal Hour of Peace
The Takeaway
Remember, being an author demands creativity, and it also demands authenticity.
Coming up with unique content ideas as part of your author marketing plan is a great way to take your success seriously, without taking yourself too seriously! And these December observances should really help.
Have plans for a fun take on any of these ideas? Share below in the comments!
Resources and Downloads
Monthly Book Marketing Planner
How to Create Video Content for Social Media
Irresistible Bonus and Giveaway Ideas for Authors
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Thanks for your efforts.
Topic is really excellent !
Thank you so much Zouzou!