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10 Unique Book Promotion Ideas for Using Video

by | Nov 13, 2019 | Bestseller Essentials, Social Media for Authors

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Book promotion ideas can sometimes be hard to come up with, especially when you feel like nothing’s really working as planned.

When I chat with authors who are running into road blocks I encourage them to try something different. Many times, we end up in a rut because we opt for the same strategies over and over again.

And the reality is video is still very new territory for most authors, and those of you using it may not be maximizing on its potential.

Video is so powerful because it’s always going to be very unique to you and your brand.

For example, you can run discount promotions, and I love these, but you’re still competing with all the other discounted books out there, so it’s an important strategy to have in your arsenal, but it’s one most other authors have as well.

What they don’t have – is you, and your book, and your platform. All that is unique to you, and you can use that to your advantage by using video to promote that uniqueness.

So, here are 10 book promotion ideas that will help you work in more video content!

Show readers what happens behind the scenes in your workspace.

Believe it or not, being a writer still seems very mysterious to most people, so sharing a short video of where the magic happens, whether it’s your office, your favorite coffee shop, out on your patio – get in the habit of sharing the mundane and you’ll be surprised how much closer your fans and followers will feel to you. And those relationships are what keep people coming back for more.

Answer submitted reader questions.

Book promotion ideas should often be reader-led, so let them help you come up with content! Do a call for questions on social media or to your newsletter. If you want to skip that step, do the first one by answering questions you feel would let people get to know you better – I promise I won’t tell.

Announce new releases.

This is kind of an obvious, but seriously, announce new releases via video and make it even better by announcing a BOGO or other special release offer. Grab more ideas for this in the Resources and Free Downloads section!

Give followers updates on your progress and release timelines.

You put a lot of time and effort into each book you write, so try to take your followers on that journey with you. Vent when you’re feeling frustrated, share your elation when you get the first edit done. These videos don’t have to be long, they can be as short as a minute, but they’re still so much more personal than simply posting on social media. It’s next level.

Share stellar reviews or features you’ve gotten on blogs or in the media, including shout outs.

This is super fun because not only do you get to brag, it’s great for networking. So make a point to share these great opportunities you’ve been offered and give the media or reviewer a personal shout out and thank you, then of course tag them once you start posting the video.

Introduce your team.

If your editor, illustrator, or your favorite barista is game – have them make a quick cameo on a video and let people know why they’re so important to you. This extends to fur-family as well, so if your dog or cat should be given credit for a lot of your success, I guarantee you they’ll be video marketing gold. Video book promotion ideas should be quirky and fun and unexpected!

Share your favorite things and places.

It doesn’t always have to be about writing. Maybe you have a favorite walking route or park, favorite wine bar, shop where you buy the only pen you’ll ever use again. These are great reasons to shoot some video and again, do some shout outs to other businesses and organizations.

What you like matters as well. So considering doing your own video reviews of books and authors you read, your favorite wine, coffee, etc. have some fun with it and relish being a resource for people, an influencer. Embrace it!

Show what’s going to be included in a giveaway or prize pack.

Giveaways are fantastic book promotion ideas, so if you can plan a giveaway or prize pack for a release do a video showcasing everything you’re including. Signed copies, swag, some snacks or treats that play off the theme of your book – get creative. Ask any kid you know about “unboxing” videos and you’ll be sold on how effective they can be.

Book promotion ideas can tell stories and reveal your inspiration.

Storytelling is a lost art, obviously not in print, because you’re already creating that legacy, but we don’t tell as many stories verbally anymore and it’s a beautiful thing. So consider doing a short video when you’re brainstorming ideas for your book and invite followers in on that very creative and cool experience.

Create trailers for your books.

Trailers used to be very expensive, and they still can be, but they don’t have to be. Microsoft Movie is a great program if you have a PC, I have personal experience with it. But there are a lot of really fantastic online programs out there now too that really make creating trailers pretty simple if you’re willing to take the time. Biteable is one example and Animoto is another.

Resources and Downloads

Book Promotion Ideas for Irresistible Bonus Content & Giveaways

6 Ways Video Blogging Can Save Your Author Promotion

Monthly Book Marketing Planner

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