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Indie Author Content Ideas for Your November Book Marketing

by | Oct 25, 2017 | Book Marketing Basics

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Welcome to November’s content ideas for your indie author book marketing!

Remember, it’s crucial you stay in front of your fans and potential buyers. Nevertheless, I know that it can be exhausting. I hope that by giving you monthly content ideas based around fun, unofficial and official holidays, that this will help you.

These can be content ideas for so many different areas of your book marketing strategy.

  • Your indie author blog
  • Perhaps your social media
  • Content you’re trying to pitch other bloggers or sites you write for

I know people’s attentions start to wander more and more as the holidays approach. Another benefit to using my list is that it gives you a lot of content ideas for pure entertainment. Sometimes this is all people can handle at the end of the day!

How to Use the Content

Below are holidays and just plain wacky fun days for November 2017.

We’ve also included a few content ideas and angles to help spark your creativity!

Remember, not all these are worth an entire blog post or article. Nearly all of them can be turned into a fun or thought provoking social media post.

If you need more help on how to rock your book marketing, I’d love to hear from you!

Getting Started

11/02 Men Make Dinner Day – This is super fun, encourage fans to participate and then do a follow up post asking for successful (or not so successful) stories!

11/03 Housewife’s Day – A major underrated role in our society, ask followers to share the biggest misconception about housewives.

11/04 Book Lovers Day – Do you really need ideas for this one? If you do, have fans list their favorite book. As a bonus you can ask them to name their favorite book of yours!

11/08 Cook Something Bold Day – We all get stumped on what to make for dinner, share a favorite spicy recipe and encourage your followers to do the same.

11/09 Chaos Never Dies Day – A great opportunity to share what your day to day life is like as a writer, fans love this.

11/10 Forget-Me-Not Day – This can be really touching. Honor someone you’ve lost and give your followers the opportunity to call attention to someone no longer in their lives, that they’ll never forget.

Just Keep Writing

11/11 Veteran’s Day – Share a story about how a veteran has touched your life.

11/12 Chicken Soup for the Soul Day – This is a day to celebrate your journey and share your goals.

11/13 World Kindness Day – Do something kind for someone else, push followers to do the same and share their experiences.

11/14 Young Readers Day – This is fantastic, if you don’t write children’s books then encourage your fans to share tips for how to incorporate more reading into kids’ lives.

11/17 World Peace Day – With everything going on in the world this is a delicate subject for a lot of people, share one thing, one small action, you wish everyone would do to make the world a more peaceful place.

11/19 Have a Bad Day Day – Sometimes we just need to have a bad day, being open and honest is a great way to connect with people.

The Final Stretch

11/20 Beautiful Day – Share why today is beautiful! Or get even more creative and share a favorite photograph and share why you find it beautiful.

11/21 World Hello Day – Get out of your comfort zone and make a point to say hello to everyone you pass on the street or at the store!

11/23 Thanksgiving – Eat, drink, and be thankful.

11/24 Buy Nothing Day – If you’re one of those who supports staying in with family and friends all weekend instead of tackling the big shopping lines, share what you do instead.

11/27 Pins and Needles Day – What are you super excited about? Find out what your friends are really excited about!

The Takeaway

Being an indie author demands creativity, and it also demands authenticity.

Come up with unique content ideas as part of your book marketing plan. It’s a great way to take your success seriously, without taking yourself too seriously!

So I hope some of these content ideas are helpful. Of course I encourage you to make them your own.

Be consistent.  You’ll start to see better engagement on your social media and on your blog.



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