Shopping for your favorite authors isn’t always easy, and with Christmas a little over a week away- it’s crunch time, isn’t it?
If you’re struggling to figure out what to get for that fabulous author in your life, don’t worry! A lot of us are in the same boat.
Getting authors that perfect Christmas gift doesn’t have to be hard (or costly!).
Sure, you can get them that pricey pen to aid them in their next book signing. Or a shiny new desk lamp, maybe even a standing desk? But honestly, for most of us authors, our wish list isn’t that big and doesn’t cost a lot. Why? Because sometimes our biggest wish is to spread the word about our books!
I get asked a lot about the ideal gift for authors, and really, we’re a pretty simple lot. We love a good review, we love it when you share our social media posts, we love it sign up for our newsletter – or share our book with a new reader. We’re simple that way.
So, I thought I’d create an easy list you can share with your readers, friends, and family who might be on a tight budget, or who just want to add a few things to your Christmas stocking.
This list is designed to be easily shareable so your readers can give you one, or (if you’ve been extra nice) all ten of these fun, easy and free gift ideas! Share this with your followers and other authors, because the idea really isn’t so much in the gift itself, but what this kind of simple act can do to help an author. Sharing their stuff, writing a review, following them on Bookbub, it all adds up and it all helps our platform, our reach, and ultimately, our exposure!
Happy shopping and Happy Holidays!
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