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How to Run a Kickass eBook Promotion

by | Dec 3, 2020 | Amazon Updates & Marketing Tips

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How to Market a Kindle Book in today’s post is a recap of “How to Run a Kickass eBook Promotion,” a recent episode on our Book Marketing Tips & Author Success podcast.

We went deep in our discussion about this important topic for authors trying to figure out how to promote an eBook, so be sure to download and listen to the show for all the details, recommendations, and considerations!

How to Market a Kindle Book

As we head into the holidays, eBook promotions should definitely be on your marketing plan, and they can be tricky because you can buy ads all day long, but there needs to be some synergy to what you’re doing.

You don’t want your message – or your book! – to get lost in all the holiday jingle jangle. So how should you market a Kindle book? We’ve got everything you need to know.

Stack for Success

When it comes to marketing eBooks, one of the biggest changes I’ve seen is the quality of promotional platforms available to authors. These sites have really done their due diligence to create a better reader experience, to get out on social more, and to build their newsletter lists.

I’m a big fan of mixing paid sites with free sites when it comes to marketing an eBook. The free sites only require your time, so that’s a no brainer.

The paid sites typically have more to prove: they need to have solid numbers in regard to their social following, newsletter recipients, etc. They’re literally a sure thing because you’ve paid for their services and figuratively a sure thing because their platforms are stronger.

Another thing to remember is that eBook deals are great for your Amazon algorithm; they help boost your book page exposure by sending traffic (and hopefully sales) your way. All of this works even better if you stack promotions.

Discounts and Timing

Forget free. I like pricing that’s specific and special. If you mark your book down to $1.97, for example, the funky pricing will grab people’s attention.

Because people get distracted easily, your timing is also critical. A three-day promo not only creates a sense of urgency for the buyer – act now or miss out – it also gives you full permission to shout it from the rooftops for the entire three days: in your newsletter, on social, and your website, anywhere and everywhere.

If you run a discount for two weeks, you’ll lose people who figure they have time to look into it later, and you definitely can’t promote a discount every day for two weeks straight or people will quickly start blocking you.

Whether you’re promoting a new book or your backlist, there’s a strategy for you! An eBook promotion ahead of a new release can boost attention to a pre-order.

As for your backlist, consider an eBook rotation where you promote one title each month – if you have five eBooks, that gives you five solid months of promotion right there. It’s a simple yet effective way to not let older books get lost forever.

How to Market a Kindle Book

How to Market a Kindle Book

Planning Is Everything

When planning how to market a Kindle book, always think multiple steps ahead.

Plan a promo. Check. Ensure the promo is both beneficial for you AND the reader. Check. Figure out at least two ways to support that promo. Check.

One of those ways should be strategic Amazon ad stacking so that you’re potentially reaching lots of different markets. We also recommend running a Bookbub ad to push a discounted promo.

Bookbub and limited-time discounts go together like peanut butter and jelly. One without the other just doesn’t make nearly as much sense.

For more tips and information on how to market a Kindle book, don’t forget to give the full episode (“How to Run a Kickass eBook Promotion”) a listen.

And if you want to get on the eBook train but need some help, we’re happy to work with you. Get in touch!

Resources and Free Downloads

Book Marketing Tips and Author Success podcast

FREE Quarterly Amazon Planner

How Can I Sell More Books

How to Market a Book with a BOGO



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